• +44 (0) 20 3371 9066
  • legal@ammalsolicitors.co.uk

Our Team

Our Team

Shaima Ammal
Founder & Principal Solicitor, COLP & COFA

Areas of Practice: Immigration, Civil, Family, Welfare Benefits, Employment
Shaima manages the firm and supervises the team. She is a dual qualified lawyer being a Solicitor of England & Wales and an Advocate, India. Shaima holds Masters degree in Law (UK) and Public Administration (India).

Shaima specialises in Business Immigration, Family, Civil Litigation. Shaima’s clients range from Asia, Europe and Middle East. She is a multilingual and has a particular interest in Human rights and Public law and is a strong advocate of the natural rights to access justice.

Shaima possess extensive experience in advocacy having conducted Appeals and Judicial Reviews and represented clients before various Immigration, Employment and Social Security Tribunals, Civil and Magistrate courts, High Court and Court of Appeal.

Shaima is an active community person and is engaged in various community activities and loves to travel in her free time.

Dushyanthie Nagarajah
Consultant Solicitor- Immigration & Family.

Dushyanthie is qualified as a Solicitor of England & Wales. Dushyanthie is highly experienced in Immigration and Family Laws.

Dushyanthie specialises in and has experience of a broader range of Immigration works, Asylum cases, Sponsorship, Business visas and Family Matters, particularly divorce, financial disputes and children matters.

In her spare time Dushyanthie enjoys spending time with her family; doing yoga and cooking. She prides in her culinary skills and engages in various community activities.